Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Get Your Oils

It's February! It's the month we are suppose to indulged in all things we love! Wouldn't you love to treat yourself to good health??

By now you know why I choose to use Young Living Essential Oils and why I love them, and you know it's my mission to share this oily goodness with you.

So exactly how do get some oily goodness.??

Well there are several ways. Perhaps you just want to try an oil or two that you've heard about, but you aren't ready for the whole oily experience yet. That's ok. I wanted to "try" them for two years. I never did, but that's a different story! If you scroll all the way to the bottom of the page, there is a contact form  you can fill out. Fill that out and let me know what you would be interested in trying. I will get back to you with a price and order date.

Maybe you don't want to try the oils just yet, but you are interested in seeing them, smelling them, talking more about them, or seeing a diffuser in action.  That's good too, because I have a class scheduled just for you. Mark your calendar for February 21, 2014 @ 2:00. Invite your friends and come have a good time. Ya'll, this is just so I can share. I just want you to know what I know and experience the love this is an essential oil. I can assure you that hosting some kind of "party" at my house is WAY out of the box for me. But I'm excited about this and excited about who might attend. I think of all the people that I know that could benefit from the power of essential oils: my co-workers at school, the twins' preschool teachers, Bailey's teachers, family (of course some of my family has jumped in the oil vat with me), doctor's offices or any office with high traffic (instead of smelling all that nasty spray that chokes you and they spray so much you can taste it - ick!!) could diffuse and clean with essential oils, nursing home or assisted living residents (there is actually a study or two I read that talked about the benefits of diffusing essential oils that uplift the spirit, along with other benefits), vet offices, pet owners, horse owners, church friends, the pediatrician. The list could go on and on. So invite your friends  and family and come let's get oily!!! Oh, and I will try my best to have it stream live for those of  you that are in lands far, far away!

So, maybe you are ready to attend the class, or use an oil or two. But what if you are ready to walk down the aisle with hand in hand with your box of Young Living Essential Oils and start a life long love affair. How do the two of you match up??

If I was high tech this would be the part where you clicked a cool little you tube linked and watched me talk to you. Instead, this is what you get! The above picture is the grand daddy of all Young Living Essential Oils kit. It's really called the Premium Starter Kit or PSK. Pretty cool huh? I used to dream about the days I would have some little oil bottles and call myself an oil dropper or a lemon dropper. Don't you think The Well Oiled Family sounds better??? 

You've seen thousands of pictures but WHAT IS IT ALREADY????
1. Home diffuser that you put water into and oil drops of all. when you place the lit, the ultrasonic plate works to diffuse out tiny particles of the essential oil so that you can reap the benefit of smelling them, or inhaling them. You don't have to sit right up on the diffuser, it's not like a nebulizer even though it puts out mist like a nebulizer does. No, you just plug it in and let it fill the room with goodness for your mental and physical well being. According to the Essential Oils Desk Reference, known as the EODR in the oil world, diffusing oils alter the structure of molecules that create odors, rather than just masking them. Many essential oils ( well will talk about this list later) are extremely effective for eliminating and destroying airborne germs and bacteria. Now you see why I think doctor's offices or other offices should be diffusing, as well as schools and day cares? It's safe, easy, and effective. Unlike aroma lamps or candles, a diffuser disperses an essential oil without heating or burning, which can render the oil less therapeutic. Heating and burning is also how candles release toxins into the air. There is a list of 8 or 9 researched based things that makes diffusing effective. We will talk about those later, but the next time you spray some air freshener, light a candle, or spray disinfectant spray, I'd like for you think think about how diffusing can change what you are doing! This is why I always say samples are good for people to try, but without the diffuser you aren't getting the whole package.

2. A set of everyday oils, which is made up of ten of the best selling, must used oils that Young Living sells. There is also a bonus oil right now. So in the PSK are 11 oils. 
  • Thieves - Aids healthy immune system, sore throat, teething/toothache, insect bites, kills airborne bacteria, warts, supports healthy gums and mouth, and used as a disinfectant/cleaner,
  • Peppermint - headaches, stomach discomfort, nausea, heartburn, energy/alterness, improves concentration (as a teacher I've always heard to give out peppermint candy during tests), constipation, fevers, hot flashes, digestive support.
  • Frankincense - Helps fight the blues, stress, despair, good for wrinkles and age spots, acne, blisters, may improve memory, supports healthy vision, aids healthy immune system, aids bladder health and function.
  • Purification - Air purifier, bee stings, supports ear aches, neutralizes odors, insect repellent, insect bites, supports eye health, cleans minor cuts.
  • Stress Away - Stress, mental fatigue, balance equilibrium, relaxing, anxiety, despair, PMS.
  • Lavender - Lavender is known as the swiss army knives of oils. There's not much that lavender can't do. Minor cuts and bruises, relaxation, promotes restful sleep, blemishes, dandruff, supports healthy skin, sustains healthy blood pressure, minor burns. 
  • Lemon - Aids healthy immune system, swollen glands drains lymphatics, may improve memory, support circulatory system, digestive support, weight management, sustains healthy blood pressure.
  • Melaleuca (AKA Tea Tree Oil or Mel A) - minor acne, cleanses minor cuts and scrapes, fungus, supports healthy skin, supports healthy gums and mouth, insect bites, sore throat.
  • PanAway - Supports healthy joint & cartilage function, minor aches and pains, muscle pain after exercise, cramps, supports circulatory health, physical discomfort, headaches.
  • Joy  - Stress, love/self-love, confidence, emotional balance, uplift spirits, the blues.
  • Citrus Fresh - headaches, support healthy sinuses, anxiety, stress, hyperactive children, relaxing, uplift spirits.
3. Roller Ball and cap to make your own roller bottle of something. If you scroll back up to the picture, next to the bottle of citrus fresh is a picture of the steel roller ball ad cap. Some of the oils can eat away at plastic, so it's important to use steel or metal roller balls. Young Living starts you out by providing one in the PSK. I didn't use mine for a few weeks because there is not empty bottle to attach it to. I waited until I had an empty bottle to make a roller mixture of oils/carrier oil that were good to roll on the chests for cough and congestion during all the sickness the twins have had. You could also attach it to a full bottle of an oil if that's what you wanted to do. The good thing is there is no right or wrong, but rather what fits YOUR NEEDS and, the roller ball easily comes off and can be used again and again on whatever you choose to use it on. Or you may choose to not use it at all. It's there if you need it. 

4. Samples - The PSK comes with two pouches NingXia Red - a ready to drink powerful antioxidant that contains whole NingXia wolfberry puree. The PSK also comes with sample packets of 5 of the everyday oils so you can either have a small packet for travel or give to a friend to try a sample. If you want to hear more about what this supplement can do, visit my friend Susan at Granny Went Green and watch her you tube video giving you all the good details.

5. Literature - The box is packed with things for you to read. You get a whole catalog with all the products offered, a newsletter, an everyday essentials oil book, and a few other quick instructions.

Once you have your PSK and are enrolled as a new member with Young Living, you are free to order any other products you are interested in and you get them at 24% off of retail. There are other programs you can join as a member that allow you to earn points for free products and, if you are interested, there is even a way for you to earn a referral fee by pointing your friends to Young Living Essential Oils. Ask me how! 

If you missed the list of gifts that The Well Oiled Family has for you when your join our team, see yesterday's post. 

Please don't forget the contact box at the bottom of the page if you have questions. Mark your calendars and round up a few people to bring on February 21st. Head over to The Well Oiled Family facebook page for some freebies. If you've liked the page, thank you. If you've shared, thank you again. I invite you to share the page and ask your friends to like it. 150 like = 5 oily prizes!! I'm excited about doing those giveaways because they are some GREAT products!! 

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